My first foster home

So my life was rough growing up I was in and out of foster care started foster care when I was just 11 years old because my mom ended up getting cancer and I didn't want to go to school and wanted to stay home with her and they took me, my first home they treated me horribly threw me against walls, screamed at me, called me name, practically starved me, wouldn't let me come out of my room unless it was for school because they had to. One day while I was at school I had gotten into a fight and got sent home and after the fight I was severely abused.. it was on a Friday and at the time I had weekends with my mom and my foster dad took me to her but on the way there he told me that if I had told anyone about anything that happened there would be serious consequences.. well I got to my mom's and she wasn't there, she was at the hospital but my aunt was there and I was talking to her and she looked over and saw a mark on my neck and started freaking out and checking my whole body and I had scratches and deep cuts and marks all over my back from where I had been thrown and scratched.. it was horrible. She freaked out and called my caseworker and my caseworker had came to get me and didn't send me back there, last I heard they both ended up in jail it was a really serious thing. My mom got told and told me that she loved me and I didn't need to worry anymore. The problem is the next foster home they moved me into was way worse.. if you want more stories I'm here to tell about my entire life, so please like, share, whatever you have to do. Make me famous. 😘

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